The Evolution of Friendship
While grabbing drinks at the Midnight Sun on Castro a friend and I were catching up and updating each other on friends we hadn't seen in weeks. It was weird because 2 years ago my group of friends and I were attached at the hip; a constant fixture in each others lives. However, that has started to change. In reality it is no ones fault because our own personal lives have taken different paths and hanging out isn't as feasible. This seemingly unavoidable distance got me thinking about how friendships evolve and the various places in your life they seem to settle.
For example, your friends in high school are with you through your angsty teen years; trying to figure out who you are in relation to your other peers. Most times than not these friends do not last past high school graduation unless you all go to same college or live in the same region. Then there are the people you meet in college. While still trying to figure out who you are in relation to the rest of the world these people are there with you; partying til the wee hours, cramming for exams, and wading through endless bad relationships. These friends tend to follow you after your college career into the real world. This is where things get a little hairy. As much as you want to hang out with your best buds every weekend and lament about work, life starts to happen. New relationships, new friends, engagements, work stress, etc start to seep into our daily lives and we found ourselves trying to stay afloat. When life starts to happen how can you preserve the friendships of those who mean most of you? Will this evolution be smooth or will there be some friendships that can't adapt thus rendering them extinct?
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